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Middle/elementary schools entries Coach0

Wednesday Schedule

Thursday Schedule

Junior High School, Middle School

  1. Rules of Competition: The rules of competition for junior high schools or middle schools, and elementary schools for this Meet shall be the 2021 Official National Federation Edition Track and Field and Cross County Rules Book, except where the longtime practices, special facilities, and special written rules of the meet may require otherwise. All junior high, middle and elementary school competitors must compete for their school teams and be cleared for competition by the school principal. Relay teams must consist of runners from the same school.

    2. Team Membership: No athlete may participate with two different affiliations in one Meet.

    3. Track and Field Surfaces: The track is a synthetic surface of 3/8" thickness.

    4. Spikes: Junior High Schools, Middle Schools and elementary Schools may wear spikes if they are allowed by their group. Shoes will not be checked by the clerks, and enforcement of any group’s no-spikes rule is up to the group coordinators.

5. Checkpoints: Relay zone checkpoints may be marked with standard white trainer’s tape only. No other items may be used, including chalk, powder, duct tape, masking tape, tacks or safety pins.

6. Starting Blocks are not permitted in junior high school, middle school, or elementary school events.

7. Lane Priority: Turn Races (8 lanes) 6-7-8--5-4-3-2-1.

8. Jury of Appeals will be chaired by Lionel Leach. A $25.00 fee must accompany an appeal. The Penn Relays has no official video, and no independent video may be used in protests or appeals.

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